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Our offices


Level 27
Brookfield Place
10 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000

+61 2 8288 5555
Nelsons Bay Marina Birdseye Shot

Client Services

Asset Management only

+61 2 8288 5594


Level 20
South Tower
80 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

+61 3 8650 8650
Hong Kong viewed from Victoria's Peak, during early evening.

Hong Kong

Suite 2917, 29th Floor,
Two International
Finance Centre,
No. 8 Finance Street,
Central, Hong Kong

+852 2575 7188


Level 38 Park Place
1601 Nanjing West Road
Jingan District Shanghai
200040 P.R China

+86 021 61373216
City skyline of Singapore at sunset with Marina Bay Sands on left side.


20 Anson Road

#11-01 Twenty Anson

Singapore 079912

+65 6303 5205
Manhattan skyline at sunset

New York

3 West Main Street

Suite 301

Irvington, NY 10533

(914) 670-8993
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