Private equity and venture capital

MA Real Asset Opportunities Fund (Series II)

Provides investors the opportunity to invest in discrete Syndicates offering exposure to defensive, high-quality, income generative Australian businesses, freehold property or real asset ownership. The Fund seeks to deliver regular distributions and a total return above 14% p.a. over a five-year holding period for each Syndicate.¹

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Opportunistic investment in defensive businesses

Invest opportunistically in businesses with high-quality recurring income and a demonstrated track record of income and cash generation.

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Attractive target returns underpinned by distributions

Target returns above 14% p.a. over a five-year holding period with material upside potential.1 The majority of target returns to be delivered through distribution yield.

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Flexible investor participation

Investors have full discretion to participate without obligation in each Syndicate, where exposure of each Syndicate is wholly segregated.

Fund overview

The Fund seeks to provide investors with attractive risk-adjusted returns by investing opportunistically in Australian businesses that: 

  • generate high quality, recurring and secure income  
  • are underpinned by strong contracts or customer defensibility  
  • are linked to fixed assets or real estate ownership. 

The Manager aims to make approximately three to five investments over the period of Series II, being until 31 December 2024. The Fund is structured to provide investors with maximum flexibility: 

  • each investment opportunity will be held through a separate class of stapled securities which provide wholly segregated exposure to the relevant investment (each, a Syndicate); and 
  • investors have full discretion to participate without obligation in each Syndicate. 

The Fund is underpinned by a co-investment by MA Financial and its staff, aligning interests with investors. 

Fund facts

Target return

>14% p.a. (distributions during the investment period to deliver the majority of the Target Return)1

Target distribution yield

Above 8% p.a. payable quarterly1

Minimum initial investment



Wholesale investors

Target investment term

5 years

Let’s talk

For more information and to arrange a discussion, please contact us.

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1. Pre-tax and pre performance fees. Net of management fees. Each Syndicate comprises each new relevant investment opportunity which is held through a separate class of Stapled Securities which provide segregated exposure to the specific investment. Refer to the Information Memorandum and relevant Investment Brief for further details. 

2. Over a five-year holding period. The majority of target returns delivered through distribution yield. Target returns specific to each Syndicate may vary, and will be set out in the relevant Investment Brief for each Syndicate.

MA Asset Management Ltd (ACN 142 008 535) (AFSL 427515) is the trustee (Trustee) of the MA Real Asset Opportunities Fund (Fund) and has appointed MA Investment Management Pty Ltd ACN 621 552 896 as investment manager of the Fund (Manager). 

The Trustee has prepared this material for wholesale investors as defined under section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this material is accurate, its accuracy, reliability or completeness is not guaranteed. Statements contained in this material that are not historical facts are based on current expectations, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of the Trustee. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, and undue reliance should not be placed thereon. Further, the views expressed in this material, which are subject to change, are solely the views of the Trustee. These views may not necessarily reflect the views of any other MA Financial Group entity. While reasonable care has been taken preparing this material, and all information provided in this material has been provided in good faith and has been obtained or derived from sources believed to be reliable, neither the Trustee nor any of its affiliates, nor any of their respective officers, employees, advisors or agents makes or gives any representation, warranty or guarantee, whether expressed or implied, that the information contained in this material has been audited or independently verified, or is complete, accurate or reliable, or accepts any responsibility arising in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors or omissions. Opinions contained herein may be subject to change without notice and do not constitute investment advice or recommendation. 

Past performance is not an indicator of future financial performance. This material does not take into account an investor’s investment objectives, particular needs or financial situation and does not constitute financial advice. Investors should read the Information Memorandum applicable for the Fund before making any investment decisions and consider obtaining professional investment advice tailored to their specific circumstances before making any investment decision. Any investment in the Fund will be solely on the basis of the Information Memorandum (as updated and amended from time to time). The Trustee nor any of its related body corporates, guarantee the performance or any rate of return of the Fund. To the extent permitted by law, no warranties, representations or guarantees are given and all loss or damage as a result of this information is expressly excluded. 

This material is being issued on a confidential basis and no part of this material may be reproduced or disclosed, in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Trustee. Offers of interests in the Fund are contained in the Information Memorandum which is available by contacting the MA Client Service Team at or on +61 2 8288 5594. 

© Copyright 2024 MA Financial Group. All rights reserved. The MA and MA Financial Group logos are registered trademarks of MAFG Operations Pty Ltd. We invest. We lend. We advise.’ is a trademark of MAFG Operations Pty Ltd. All facts and figures current as at 30 June 2024.
This webpage is provided by MA Financial Group Limited (ACN 142 008 428) on behalf of MA Financial Group Limited and its related bodies corporate (referred collectively as MAF) for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument or to participate in any trading strategy. Before acting on any information contained on this webpage, you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to your particular objectives, financial situation and needs and seek professional advice. Refer to the terms of use for further information.
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