Institutional and corporate lending

We provide global credit and financing solutions for institutions and companies throughout Australia and the US.

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We provide a range of lending options across four strategies

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Asset-backed lending

Wholesale funding for loan portfolios with secured, asset-backed or defensive characteristics.

Corporate debt

Loans to businesses to provide core financing or support working capital, growth, capital expenditure and acquisitions.

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Specialty lending

Bespoke lending solutions where banks and traditional finance markets are unable to provide an efficient solution.

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Capital solutions

Flexible credit solutions to borrowers needing a tailored solution, including turnaround situations.

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This webpage is provided by MA Financial Group Limited (ACN 142 008 428) on behalf of MA Financial Group Limited and its related bodies corporate (referred collectively as MAF) for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument or to participate in any trading strategy. Before acting on any information contained on this webpage, you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to your particular objectives, financial situation and needs and seek professional advice. Refer to the terms of use for further information.
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