Invest with us

Invest with us across a range of global alternative assets classes including private credit, core and operating real estate, private equity and venture capital.

Boat berthed in water at a marina


We are a global alternative asset manager specialising in private credit, real estate, hospitality, unique operating assets and private equity and venture capital. We also manage traditional asset classes including equities, bonds, and cash.

We offer solutions for wholesale, retail and institutional investors who entrust us to manage $9.9 billion on their behalf.

Our approach

Our investment teams have diverse skill sets and experience across a range of strategies and market conditions and are focused on delivering long-term growth. We seek opportunities based on sound market fundamentals, investing with discipline and rigour.

We are active managers. We directly operate and manage many of our real estate and hospitality assets, including hotels, marinas, and shopping centres. We originate and manage many of the loans in our credit funds. 

We believe in-house, hands-on management and expertise results in better risk management and stronger long-term performance of the assets we own and manage on behalf of our clients.

Our conviction runs deep and as testament to this we co-invest in many of our strategies alongside our clients, aligning our interests with theirs.

Looking up at the tops off sky scrapers through a glass and wire ceiling
Still, crystal clear lake with red rock hills and snow-capped mountains rising up out of it, increasing in size going from left to right.

2024 Investment Outlook

Read the views and insights of our investment professionals into the year that was, and the year ahead, across private credit, real estate, equities, private equity and venture capital.

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Explore our asset classes

Looking up at buildings through an architecturally designed spiral roof

Private credit

We have deep expertise in private credit and non-bank lending. We deliver investors defensive private credit solutions prioritising downside capital protection while generating resilient returns.

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Big logistics warehouse painted blue and white

Real estate (operational and core)

We own and operate a diverse real estate portfolio offering investors diversification, a hedge against inflation, potential for regular income and long-term capital growth.

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Building with glass roof and greenery

Private equity and venture capital

We support founders and management teams with private capital to unlock and support business growth aspirations.

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Cement staircase against white paneled background


We are committed to actively investing in high quality businesses offering a diversified equity portfolio and maintaining a key focus on long term capital preservation.

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ESG in investing

We recognise that integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into our investment decision-making and ownership processes is fundamental to assessing the true value of our investments.

Discover ESG in investing
Let’s talk

For more information and to arrange a discussion, please contact us.

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