MA Specialty Finance

We provide working capital and growth funding for businesses with contractual rights to receive future payments. These rights may include invoices rendered for services/goods delivered, or the right to receive payment contingent on a certain outcome such as success based professional fees.

Our lending activities:

  • lending against receipt of mortgage broking commission and real estate sales commission
  • lending against invoices between Intellectual Property law firms
  • lending against receipt of payments from insurers.

Our advantage:

  • tailored approach - our loans take account of the individual needs and constraints of each borrower - we focus on the value of the receivables as our primary security
  • reliable funding - backed by MA Financial Group
  • easy to deal with - our information requirements are designed to use what businesses already produce, and our drawdown and repayments processes aim to reduce administration burdens
  • dedicated professional team - a team focused fulltime on delivering a high service standard.

Contact us 

To talk to us today about your funding requirements please get in touch.

T1800 975 009

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