ESG in investing


We recognise that integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into our investment decision-making and ownership processes is fundamental to assessing the true value of our investments.

While there is no one right way to approach ESG investing, we believe doing the right thing for our clients, our people and our communities leads to better results for all stakeholders. We believe ESG considerations can provide a greater understanding of the investment risks and opportunities that contribute to evaluating long-term value for our clients.

We recognise ESG issues evolve and mature and we are committed to understanding the interests and expectations of all our stakeholders.


Learn more about our approach to ESG integration in our investment analysis.

Responsible Investment Policy [PDF]


Learn more about our approach to proxy voting for listed equities held in our managed investment schemes and mandates where the Manager has voting discretion.

Proxy Voting Policy [PDF]

Proxy Voting records

Policy in action

PRI logo written in back with blue boxes creating step effect
Principles of Responsible Investment

MA Financial Group – Asset Management is a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

Industry membership

FSC logo in black with apple green F rotated as a tick above F

Financial Services Council (FSC)

RIAA logo - RI in orange AA in burgundy Responsible Investment Association Australasia in black

Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA)

Our sustainability activities

Overhead image of brown field with thin column of green running from top to bottom.
MA Sustainable Future Fund donations 

We are committed to donating a share of performance fees to causes that support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), focusing on poverty alleviation (#1) and ending global hunger (#2). 

We partner with respected organisations like CABI and CGIAR to ensure our contributions have a significant impact in developing regions.

Learn about the MA Sustainable Future Fund
Overhead view of industrial warehouse facility
Installing solar across our real estate portfolio

We pride ourselves on integrating sustainable energy solutions into our real estate portfolio, setting a new industry standard. The Armada Bathurst Shopping Centre leads our renewable energy initiatives with over 1,200 solar panels, generating more than 1 million kWh annually and meeting 70% of the centre’s energy needs. Reducing carbon emissions by 820 tonnes of CO2 each year.

This effort is part of a broader $12 million investment to enhance sustainability across our properties. By project completion, over 11,000 solar panels will be installed at five shopping centres, reducing CO2 emissions by ~9,000 tonnes annually. 

Learn more about our real estate investment opportunities
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