Our Head of Global Credit Solutions Frank Danieli sat down with Fear + Greed podcast host Sean Aylmer to discuss all things private credit including listed investment trusts and where they might sit in an investor’s portfolio, our latest private credit fund the MA Credit Income Trust (ASX:MA1), how we think about risk management in the asset class, and how the rise of private market investments is changing the 60/40 portfolio.
“…Think about a traditional 60/40 portfolio, people would get the income defensive component from bonds, or traditional fixed income. What private credit really is, is just an alternative to that…
My strong view is that actually 60/40 is a really good way to manage your portfolio. It's just that what's in the 60 and what's in the 40 needs to change. And that's because there are these really big now private markets that have opened up and the ability to participate in those can be quite attractive for investors.”
In the latest edition of the Fear & Greed podcast, our Joint CEO Julian Biggins spoke with host Sean Aylmer about our conviction in alternative real estate – including marinas, accommodation hotels and hospitality hotels.
In the hands of an active manager with the right expertise, alternative real estate can offer investors several key benefits including diversification, a hedge against inflation, potential for regular income and long-term capital growth.
At MA Financial we have operational and financial control of many of our real assets – we believe being hands on increases the performance of our assets and allows us to better manage risk.
- Julian Biggins

Equity Trustees Limited AFSL 240975 as responsible entity for MA1, issues MA1 units. This information regarding MA1 has been prepared by MA Investment Management Pty Ltd ACN 621 552 896 for general information purposes only. It does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and because of that, before making an investment decision you should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should consider the PDS (and the Supplementary PDS) and TMD available at mafinancial.com/MA1 in deciding whether to acquire or hold MA1 units and whether MA1 units are appropriate for you.