Private credit
The key to delivering more homes for more people
Drew Bowie Headshot
Drew Bowie
Managing Director
ausbiz and MA logos on purple background
Published 17 September 2024
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In an interview with AusBiz’s Juliette Saly our Head of Real Estate Credit Drew Bowie discussed the highly complex issue that is Australia’s housing supply crunch, offering views into why improving efficiencies and processes at the government-level is key to delivering more homes for more people.

Drew also discussed our recently announced $1 billion+ real estate credit vehicle with Warburg Pincus – one of the world’s most successful real estate managers – where we aim to help close the funding gap in the undersupplied housing market by originating and managing credit facilities for high-quality real estate developers and projects.

Drew talked about the continued rising demand from investors for private credit and why it’s set to continue. He explained why manager selection in this asset class is key, and the importance of manager transparency, due diligence and experience through cycles. When it comes to real estate credit and downside protection, Drew explained the security of the first-ranking mortgage.  

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